
Monday, September 27, 2010

Research - The grudge

 Analysis of the opening of The Grudge:
  • The music that acompanies the titles is slow and high pitched which gives the sence of spookyness. As the opening gets on it gets slowly increasingly faster and louder. 
  • From 00.56 - 01.05 there is a quota that is designed to scare the viewer and also to give the view a idea of what might come. It helps to build up anticipation about what happend and why some one died with a grudge.
  • The titles are in a spookylooking font and so add to the horror genre. The black background and white letters also adds to this effect that the director is trying to give. 
  • At 01.02 the quote goes only leaving the word fury, this surgests that this word fury is a key theme in this film. It also turns red which symbolyses blood and death.
  • At the frame 01.08 we see the camera pan over a city in japan, then to the sholder of a man. The city seems quiet and dull. Although the sky seems clear there is verylittle light and so it looks like it is a cloder mounth of the year and so adds to the spooky eiry look of the film.
  • The rule of thirds is being aplyed at 01.23
  • At 01.33 we get a midum cloes up of the side of his head, this brings the viewer cloeser to him as can see his facial expressions and how pail he is. This shows the viewer that there is something wrong with him but before the viewer is able to think too long we see him letting himslef just drop of the balcony.
  • When he drops of the balcony the camera is over the wife's sholder this makes the viewer take an emotional step back from the man and lets them feel the shock and horror that the wife must be feeling seeing him just drop. 
  • 01.49 - 01.50 is a pov of the man droppingto his death, this is quiet a shocking veiw as it puts the viewer in his eyes and you can see yourself falling to your death. This is an example of the shock and horror which continues throught the film and so this gives the viewer a taster of whats to come.
  • At 01.58 the camera slowly drops down the building and from the bottom loos up, this gives the audience an idea of how high the man has droped and makes everyone wonder what could have caused him to let himslef drop to his death.

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