
Friday, October 1, 2010

Planning - Lesson 1

Today was the start of the beginning stage of my planning stage of my project. I started by telling the rest of my class my initial idea. The idea that i told the rest of the class was about a gang doing a drug deal, there is a new gang member and this would be his first job. We would see the gang driving to the meet point and see this new gang member getting increasingly more anxious about the deal. Then this new guy would have a vision of the deal going wrong, the final scene that will be seen is the deal just about to happen before it goes wrong like in the vision. I told the class of a few ideas about camera angles that i wanted to use such as an extreme close up of the new gang member holding a gun, him shacking, also i told them about how i wanted to film from out side the car and have the camera strapped to the front bumper.
The the rest of my class told me what they thought about it, the majority of the class liked my idea. They suggested that i thought about music to go along with the scene or maybe even having a monologue. They also highlighted how important it was that i picked actor who 'looked the part'. This also made me start to think about the props i would need. To make this idea work i would need to find 2black sedans such as a BMW's or Mercedes.
This is my first idea and i am still open to change my idea if i feel i cannot make this idea work effectively.    

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